Teak cleaner

200 Teak cleaner
200 Teak cleaner
200 Teak cleaner


Teak maintenance is one of the most impactful maintenance operations onboard.
To facilitate this operation we have developped our teak maintenance products. 200 is our step 1 Teak cleaner.
200 is a concentrated alkaline solution for cleaning and degreasing teak and exotic woods. Safe for the user and on teak, deck caulking, seals and metals. Its action opens the wood fiber allowing a better application of the restorer 201 during the 2nd step of deck maintenance.


Contains sodium hydroxide



Appearance / Odour

Liquid / characteristic

Compatibility / supports

Teak and exotic woods

Directions for use:

- The 200 is used diluted,10 to 20% in clear water.
- Wet the deck and nearby surfaces to avoid stains, keep treated surfaces wet at all times. Apply the mixture with a soft brush or scrubbing pad across the wood grain. Leave on for 10 minutes and rinse with clear water while brushing to remove impurities.
- If necessary, for an old or very dirty wood increase the dosage of the product and repeat the precedure.

Avoid direct sunlight and applications on extremely hot days. The product should not dry, and the wood must stay cool while rinsing.

Dangerous product, follow safety instructions

Download notice
Technical data sheet - 200